What’s New at JJ’s Prescription Specialties: Dec. 2017
While most medications today are made for humans, many medicines can and are used in animals at doses, formulas and delivery methods best for your furbaby.
Whether you have dogs and cats or ferrets and guinea pigs, JJ’s Prescription Specialties can prepare and compound a wide range of medications that can treat conditions that ail any pet, such as seizures, ear infections or behavioral issues.
We all know the difficulty of getting a pet to take a pill, so JJ can even compound medications in topical treatments that avoid the dreaded pill form. Learn more here.
Did you know that JJ’s has more than supplements and prescriptions? If you’re scrambling for last-minute holiday gifts, drop by JJ’s Prescription Specialties for a wide selection of luxury soaps, candles, infusers and unique gifts for everyone on your list!
Does your hair look dull or is your skin feeling dry in the winter weather? JJ’s offers Pure Encapsulations’ Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra, a daily supplement that supports healthy hair, skin and nails.
Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra is a blend of key building blocks to support healthy skin elasticity and hydration, healthy hair and nail strength and thickness. The product is gluten-free and made with hypoallergenic ingredients. Buy yours here.
Over 54 million Americans live with osteoporosis and low bone mass, and the progressive bone disease is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density, which leads to an increased risk of fracture. The form of osteoporosis most common in post-menopausal women is referred to as Primary Type 1, while Primary Type 2 is seen in both males and females after the age of 75.
At JJ’s, our team of medical professionals help patients manage this disease to live active, productive and fulfilling lives. We offer a full line of osteoporosis medications, including Forteo and Prolia. We also offer one-on-one consultations to determine the best path forward with your physician. To sign up for a consultation, click here or call us at 562-7979.